"In Switzerland, 500 years of democracy and peace. And what does it produce? The cuckoo clock." Graham Greene, The Third Man.

sabato 28 febbraio 2015

ISIS: is arising a new titan?

"Power is my mistress. I have worked too hard at her conquest to allow anyone to take her away from me.” Napoleon Bonaparte

When someone thinks about a state and lives in a stable area of the world, he sometimes can forget that states are born and die because they are a product of human being after all. In addition nations are not created as a consequence of a treaty or of an international recognition by other countries, but they often have to fight in order to obtain its own existence. An example of that is the appearance of the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria (ISIS) in the Middle East and North Africa.
The last wars and revolutions in the Middle East have weakened the countries of the area. The USA invaded Iraq in 2003 destroying the dictatorship of Saddam Hussein that was executed in 2006. From now on Iraq became a very fragile state. More recently the Arab spring broke out and civil wars began in Libya and in Syria where, in the first case, the old regime fell and ,in the second case, the state lost control of part of its territory. The lack of power, authority and identity in these countries created an empty space that was filled by ISIS. In fact, the Islamic state has a strong ideology, a well-organized army and relevant economic resources in comparison to Iraq, Syria and Libya, and so it began its expansion.
ISIS uses various types of war at the same time in order to expand its power and stabilize its authority: it commits genocides against ethnic and religious groups, it spreads its influence towards Muslim young generations with propaganda, it uses terrorist attacks and public execution to scare people of the Middle East, but also to shock world public opinion. In addition the Islamic State can count on a good communication strategy and on a global net of members and sympathizers.
The consequence is an incredible attention towards ISIS and its expansion nowadays, but all this attention and the aggressive strategy have generated many enemies that try to stop the military and mental conquests of ISIS. Only in the next months (or years?) it will become clear what will happen in the liquid scenario of the Middle East and North Africa.

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