"In Switzerland, 500 years of democracy and peace. And what does it produce? The cuckoo clock." Graham Greene, The Third Man.

martedì 9 dicembre 2014

Reinforcing an alliance: Obama's speech against Russia

“The single biggest problem in communication is the illusion that it has taken place.” 
George Bernard Shaw


Speeches and conferences by International leaders are not always fundamental: they often are full of empty sentences that are said only to respect diplomatic courtesy. Nevertheless a speech during a formal event sometimes can be important in order to understand how an administration of a country wants to develop its strategy in a conflict with another nation.
An example about that is the speech of Barack Obama in front of European allies at Palais des Beaux-Arts in Brussels on March 26, 2014. After greetings and some ice-breaking gags, the United States president starts remembering the deep roots on which NATO was built: the will to protect democratic values, peace and prosperity around the globe after the disaster of the second World War. Moreover, thanks to NATO and the values of its members, it was possible to have a long era of economic growth and peace in Western Europe and to spread democracy to Eastern Europe after the fall of iron curtain in 1989.
Why is Obama remembering all these achievements to his allies? The answer arrives soon. According to Obama western democracies cannot take for granted what they have earned in the past, but they always have to be ready to face new menaces. In this case the new enemy is Russia that has redrawn European borders with force because it has annexed Crimea. Moreover Russia continues to interfere in the Ukrainian civil war putting in danger democracy in Eastern Europe and violating International law. Therefore NATO allies have to be united and determined to face this new challenge, but there is a big obstacle that is not explicit in the speech: the important economic ties between Russia and Europe and especially the Russian gas supply to Europe.
In the end the purpose of the US president is clear. He tries to reinforce the alliance because Western countries can win this clash with Russia only with a strong and united strategy. It seems that Obama has reached his goal, but how long will the western alliance resist the economic crisis and the lobbies that want to re-establish normal economic relations with Russia?

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